Thursday, May 21, 2009

Recieving Guests at the temple

Srila Prabhupada:
"When we actually see people coming to our centre, chant, dance, take
prasad, becoming jubilant and purchase books, we know that certainly Sri
Caitanya Mahaprabhu is always present in such transcendental activities
and He is very pleased and satisfied." (Adi Lila 2.9.50, p.)

HH Radhanath Maharaj:
"We’re distributing so many tens and millions of books all over the world and we must continue doing so. But when people take interest in the book and decide let me go to the temple, their philosophy makes sense, this is changing my life, I want to do it, I want to learn how, I need people to show me to live by these books and when Krishna sees that interest, He sends them to the temple.

And unless we’re prepared to welcome, to greet them, and teach them how to live by these books, they will never make much spiritual advancement.

Because in the books it says, you must have the association of devotees.

Our temples, it is so very important that we learn the science of properly giving and receiving the association of devotees. Actually every guest that comes is Krishna’s specially invited guest. And it is our duty to give them every possible opportunity to make spiritual advancement. It is the first priority.

Why are we spending so much money building big big beautiful beautiful temples all over the world. It is to attract people to come. It is not just to attract them to come, it’s to attract them to come but also to meet devotees and learn how to surrender to Krishna. If after spending millions of dollars to build temples, and when people come and we don’t have time to teach them how to be devotees, because we need to pay the bills, better we stay in the little storefront or better we don’t even have any temples. Just sit on the street and meet people and teach them how to become devotees.

And this is a fact. But BEST, we have our beautiful temples and we have beautiful devotees to say HARI BOL ! Welcome. Please meet our deities.

Please chant Krishna’s name and be happy. Have prasadam my friend … Haribol!

Who would want to even leave such a temple. We should be blissful … ” Thank you for coming ."

HH Bhakti Caru Maharaj:
Any guests who visit are Srila Prabhupada's guests and have been personally sent by Krishna. As his servants it is our pleasure (and duty) to serve them. The arrival of a guest is a chance to introduce a conditioned soul to Srila Prabhupada or relish Vaisnava association. Vaisnavas feel joy and gratitude to be blessed with such an opportunity.

We need to remember that everyone is a part and parcel of Krsna and is very dear to Him. We show this practically in the mood of loving exchange:
  1. Welcoming the guest with sweet words, a seat and prasada. (If no prasada is available at least a glass of water or fruits should be offered.)
  2. Being prepared to give our time and sincere concern -make their visit to the temple wonderful
  3. Remaining Krsna conscious in our discussions and dealings
  4. Thanking the guest for his visit and inviting him to please come again.
  5. Whoever comes to the temple must be greeted with folded hands

HH Radhanath Maharaj: Lecture caring for devotees.
"Whoever comes in the door-whoever it may be-is greeted with folded hands and welcomed to the temple. Srila Prabhupada said that anyone who comes to the temple is personally sent by Krishna. With that understanding the devotees warmly and cordially say: “Oh, thank you for coming to Radha-Gopinatha temple, welcome!”.................... The devotees give the visitor caranamrita and prasadam, and they just become friends of the person and say “If you have any questions, please ask.” Almost all the guests become best friends with a devotee receptionist, and gradually, when they become more interested, they buy books and other things. After coming once people come again, not just to see the Deities, but because there is a friend of theirs in the temple and they want to see him. They tell their relatives and friends: “In that temple there is such a nice sadhu who is my friend, let’s go and meet him.”

Having understood the above quotes on the importance of receiving guests in the temple what would you do in the following situations?
  1. You are engaged in a time sensitive service and an inquisitive guest arrives at the temple. Everyone else is also busy with no time to welcome the guest?
  2. You are making garlands and a guest expresses interest in helping out?
  3. You see someone with a baby entering the temple and they forget to remove the baby's shoes off?
  4. You see two devotees engaged in an argument and at the same time many new guests have come to the temple. You are worried that the behavior of the devotees will affect the guest's impression of the temple and eventually our Guru Parampara and teachings.